Repentance is one of those Biblical words that is sadly misunderstood.
So what is repentance?
Repentance is a complete and permanent change in ultimate intention. It's a change from selfishness to benevolence. A change from all known sin and willful rebellion against God to entire obedience to God.
Repentance is not just leaving sin, however turning from sin is implied in repentence. Certainly when the Prophets spoke, they intended for people to quit sinning and stop sinning now.
Repentance is not sorrow for sin. Sorrow by itself is not enough, and certainly sorrow by itself is significantly less than Godly repentance. We've all seen plenty of people that are sorry for their sin that neither quit sinning, nor turn themselves wholeheartedly to God.
Which leads to the next idea of repentance - making things right. Part of repentance is setting things right with your fellow man if and when possible.
Also implied in the Biblical idea of repentance is the idea that complete repentance is possible. To say that repentance is impossible is to blashpheme God by saying he requires men to do what they cannot possibly do.
Another thing that is required by repentance is immediacy. You are required to repent and repent immediately and completely. If you don't repent now, it shows exactly how evil, wicked and rebellous towards God you are in your heart.
A common misconception about repentance is that it can be anything less than complete. There's a common falacy in the church that somehow God accepts something less than total and complete consecration from the hearts of men. As far as I can see this is one of the most dangerous fallacies on planet earth, and it has contributed millions of souls to the eternal coffers of hell.
Make no mistake repentence must be complete and whole hearted. You must give your heart wholly to God. You must be converted. You must turn from sin to holiness. You must turn your back upon your past life. Don't be like Lot's evil wife and turn back and long for your sin.
Repentance is turning to God with all your heart, and loving your fellow man as yourself. Nothing less is accepted.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
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