Thursday, August 14, 2008

Faith of Mustard Seed

I still remember when I first heard the Bible story in which Jesus says, "if you had faith like a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain be cast into the sea and it would obey." I was a very young kid, and was anxious to put this verse to the test. So living within sight of Mt. Rainier I headed outside to do some big mountain moving.

Well,,,,, needless to say, the mountain is still where it's always been for ages.

Like so many before, I thought that faith was something that was palpable - a force that I could feel and see. Something that I could use like a weapon in my arsenal of spirituality. However, I was wrong.

What Jesus is really saying is that if you'll trust God with all your heart, just like this little mustard seed - you can do anything.

The key to spiritual power is to completely rid yourself of yourself and completely trust God. To humble yourself before God and man, and finally admit that you are completely powerless. (Which you are, even if you don't admit it). If it weren't for the good things that God benevolently supplies you with, how long would you last? What if God turned off the sun? Or if on a whim he allowed all the oxygen escape into outer space, what would you do oh small mortal?

So emtying yourself should be easy. It should be the most logical thing to do, but we're stubborn and we're proud.

And therefore we lack the power of the Kingdom of Heaven that we should have.

John Wheeler

1 comment:

Nikke said...

If that mountain moves I am coming and looking for you! =D

Great houghts! I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs.
