Saturday, September 8, 2007

Impending Doom - My Search for Truth Part II

The 2nd thing I realized in my search for truth is that the Church of Jesus Christ doesn't teach the Judgment and the Wrath of God like it should. Before I go on and lose your attention, let me say,


There, I got that out of the way and now we can go on. First of all, I charge the Church with moral cowardice, because we're not able to stand up to people like John the Baptist did. John called the religious leaders of his day to account by saying, "you brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?" And then John called Herod to account by saying, "it is not right for you to have your brother's wife."

This age was not worthy of John and so he was beheaded.

Instead of warning people to flee impending wrath and prepare to stand before God at the Judgment, we tell them Jesus loves them (which is certainly true and not a bad thing to tell them). However, the Ungodly and Wicked have heard, "Jesus Love You," until it's become useless to them. They don't even pay attention to it anymore. Even worse, they make fun of the sayings, "Jesus Saves," and "Jesus Loves You." So now it's time to change our message, and make it more Biblical.

It's time to tell people that there is a final Judgment for both the Wicked and Righteous. Each man will stand before the Lord God most high and give account for everything done in this life, both good and bad. The Godly will recieve a reward for the good things they have done, and the wicked will suffer eternal punishment because they refuse to repent and turn to God.

And if you're a professing Christian that is practicing sin - stop now. The Holy God commands you to be holy and accepts nothing less. Don't think that just because you go to church that God somehow allows you indulgences. God forbid. God accepts only one thing from you - entire obedience to his will.

In the service of the Holy One,

John Wheeler


Anonymous said...

I agree with you so much that we have to face judgement some day and have to make an account for everything we did. Especially if you are leading people or people are following you in any way.

John Wheeler said...

Standing before Jesus at the Judgment is a sobering thought for Christians and Non-Christians. Jesus says we will all give account for every idle word.

Because of that, we should live sober lives as people that will answer for everything we do.

We should tell unbelievers that they will stand at the judgment. We've told them God loves them until they don't listen. They have asked us to prove the unprovable - that God exists. And when we couldn't prove to them that God exists, they refuse to believe.

However, it's now time to tell them that God's wrath is upon them and they will answer at the Judgment for all of the evil which they do. The Holy Spirit will bear witness to this message, because it's the truth.

Perhaps then, they'll listen to us.

Anonymous said...

Your 'backsliden' life resembles mine. The Lord gave me a message for the Church and told me to put it on a blog. From reading your blog, I'm sure you would get more insight by reading this message. The title of the message: The Meshubah Church (a Hebrew word meaning to backslide). Go to: God bless, Tim Leonard