Thursday, July 5, 2007

Preface to my series on Heaven

Last week at my Wednesday Night Bible study, Tim asked, "what do you think Heaven is like?"

I was caught on my heals a bit, because I didn't really have a very good answer for him. In fact, I could probably tell you more about Hell than I could about Heaven. It's pretty sad, but that seems to be the situation for many Christians and many Christian Thinkers throughout history. So I decided to put together my thoughts, my study and my revelation about Heaven into writings and then share them with you.

Before we can talk about what Heaven is, we have to come to some agreement on a philosophy of mankind. In other words, we have to answer the question – what is man (or generically mankind)?

Since most of you don’t know me very well, you need to know that I try to personalize everything to myself or my hearer. I hate to have theological discussions in 3rd person, and talk about “what is man” in very lofty terms. Doing that gives the reader the sense that knowledge of God is unattainable; or at the very least, God is difficult to understand. This is not the case at all. The great secrets of God are revealed to the simplest of minds. So, I’d much rather talk in 2nd person and tell you, and show you what you are in God, rather than trying to make this seem difficult and beyond your ability to grasp.

Knowledge should never be impersonal. The goal of life isn’t to know about God, instead the goal of all knowledge is to KNOW GOD (meaning have a relationship with him). The Devil himself knows a lot more about God than you will know in this life, so don’t strive for knowledge about God. Instead strive to serve God and strive to be his friend.

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