Thursday, July 5, 2007

Heaven Part 1 - A Philosophy of Man

Hebrews 2:6

“What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:


It would be impossible for me to overstate your value to God. You are God’s most treasured creation. He created you in his image. I know that you and I’ve heard this since we were kids, but don’t get jaded and underestimate what this means. He created you EXACTLY how he wanted you to be and with exactly the characteristics, skills, and interests he wanted you to have. And when he was finished creating you he was pleased (Genesis 1:31).


When you go to a mirror you see a reflection, or image of yourself – that’s what it means to be made in God’s image. You look exactly like God; you are just a smaller copy of God. The bible calls us Little Christ’s, or Christians. The Bible also tells us to be Godly (or like God). You are as close to being like God as is possible for a created being.

You have all the same characteristics (often called attributes) that God does. God is loving, kind, generous, compassionate, good, holy, righteous, pure, and just etc. If you’re living a Godly life you will have those same characteristics. You should be loving kind, generous, compassionate, good, holy, righteous, pure, and just, etc. also. As far as characteristics, you were created EXACTLY like God in kind, but not degree.

What I mean by saying you’re exactly like God in kind is that you possess the same attributes as God. Even the heathen and unbelieving people posses many of the same attributes as God in this life. For instance, God is a just God. If you are God’s servant, you should be just. And even some unbelievers are just. The difference between you and The Almighty God is that he is infinite in all his attributes and you aren’t; and never will be.

You have such a special place in the heart of God. No other beings are created in the image of God. As special as angels are, they were not created in the image of God. There is no place amoung created beings that is as special as being created in the likeness and image of God.

At one time in my life, I was a framing contractor. I loved building houses. At the start of the project, you’d drive up and there was nothing but an ugly grey foundation, but when you left, you had created a house from a bunch of lumber. It was very satisfying and I was always proud of the places I built; but the pride that came from framing a house doesn’t even begin to compare to the pride I felt the first time I held my children. My children are made in my image (well probably more my wife’s image), and they are my Opus Magnum (great work). Nothing will ever compare to the pride I get from my children.


Well, guess what? It’s exactly the same with you and God. God is so proud of you that he brags on you. Bet you never thought of that before; but yes, it’s true.

I’m sure he says to Gabriel, “Hey Gabe, look at that Susan, I just love how she sings. She has such a beautiful voice.”

Or to another angel he might say, “look at Sharon. She’s a single mother and has had to go through a lot of hard times to remain faithful to me. I’m proud of her.”

Or he might say, “Look at that Paul, what an artist. Look at that painting. Wow, I really like that one.”

Still don’t believe that God brags on you? Then what does it mean when God says to the Devil, “have you considered my servant Job. There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Job 1:8


Holy One’s of God, you are special throughout all of creation. Nobody was created exactly like you and God is so proud of the way you were created.



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