I’m going to continue to write things about the dangerous doctrines of Carlton Pearson, not because I have anything against him – I don’t. In fact the Bible tells me to love him.
If you look at the last post, I’m required to love him with selfless benevolence and do the best for him that I can. In other words, love him as I love myself. I am not required to love him with the love of approval, because frankly what he’s doing to potentially thousands and maybe millions of souls is teaching them the doctrines of demons. As a result of Carlton’s doctrines, millions of souls may suffer eternal agony as enemies of God. How can any righteous being be pleased with that?
But I don’t want you to be fooled. I want you to know the truth and the truth will set you free. So here’s what Carlton is saying, and what God is says.
Here’s what Carlton Pearson says:
As stated in I John 2:2, "He, (Jesus) is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only our sins [inclusion], but the sins of the whole world.” The atonement of Christ for the sin of the world, was and is inclusive and is not limited to a few fortunate believers.
Here’s what the Sovereign Lord God Almighty actually says in that passage:
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
1John 2:2
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM
Also, the Lord says the following:
You have wearied the LORD with your words. “How have we wearied him?” you ask. By saying, “All who do evil are good in the eyes of the LORD, and he is pleased with them” or “Where is the God of justice?”
Malachi 2:17
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD- ROM
Hmmm, just a little bit of difference between what Carlton says and what the Lord God almighty says, huh?
The problem with a lot of philosophies is that they don’t take into account the entire Bible as being the complete revelation of to mankind, and then they pick and choose which verses they want to use to prove their point.
This sort of thinking is very prevalent in current churches. For instance, a lot of Christians will completely ignore the Old Testament as being irrelevant to them. They won’t even bother to read the Old Testament cause they say, “we’re not under law but grace.” And I’ve even seen people eliminate the sayings of Christ by saying, “well that’s irrelevant because it’s before the cross, and what happened before the cross doesn’t matter now.” And then they pick out a favorite verse that fits their selfish philosophy and then build their entire philosophy and doctrine around that. For instance they’ll say something ludicrous like, “the Bible teaches, eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
Well, no the Bible doesn’t teach, “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die,” but the Bible does says, “If the dead are not raised, then let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die,” (1 Corinthians 15:32). When you read the verse in context you can understand that the quote is part of an argument about the resurrection of the dead. It is not an instance of the Bible teaching hedonism, amoralism, or anarchy.
So this is what Carlton has done with his idea of inclusion (the idea that everybody is going to heaven); he has pulled a few verses out of context and then tried to build an entire theology around them. I don’t want to see you get fooled or sucked into the tragic lie that he is teaching.
But I don’t want you to be fooled. I want you to know the truth and the truth will set you free. So here’s what Carlton is saying, and what God is says.
Here’s what Carlton Pearson says:
As stated in I John 2:2, "He, (Jesus) is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only our sins [inclusion], but the sins of the whole world.” The atonement of Christ for the sin of the world, was and is inclusive and is not limited to a few fortunate believers.
Here’s what the Sovereign Lord God Almighty actually says in that passage:
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
1John 2:2
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM
Also, the Lord says the following:
You have wearied the LORD with your words. “How have we wearied him?” you ask. By saying, “All who do evil are good in the eyes of the LORD, and he is pleased with them” or “Where is the God of justice?”
Malachi 2:17
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD- ROM
Hmmm, just a little bit of difference between what Carlton says and what the Lord God almighty says, huh?
The problem with a lot of philosophies is that they don’t take into account the entire Bible as being the complete revelation of to mankind, and then they pick and choose which verses they want to use to prove their point.
This sort of thinking is very prevalent in current churches. For instance, a lot of Christians will completely ignore the Old Testament as being irrelevant to them. They won’t even bother to read the Old Testament cause they say, “we’re not under law but grace.” And I’ve even seen people eliminate the sayings of Christ by saying, “well that’s irrelevant because it’s before the cross, and what happened before the cross doesn’t matter now.” And then they pick out a favorite verse that fits their selfish philosophy and then build their entire philosophy and doctrine around that. For instance they’ll say something ludicrous like, “the Bible teaches, eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
Well, no the Bible doesn’t teach, “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die,” but the Bible does says, “If the dead are not raised, then let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die,” (1 Corinthians 15:32). When you read the verse in context you can understand that the quote is part of an argument about the resurrection of the dead. It is not an instance of the Bible teaching hedonism, amoralism, or anarchy.
So this is what Carlton has done with his idea of inclusion (the idea that everybody is going to heaven); he has pulled a few verses out of context and then tried to build an entire theology around them. I don’t want to see you get fooled or sucked into the tragic lie that he is teaching.
I’ve showed you the complete verse the Carlton quotes within it’s context. Carlton is absolutely correct in saying that Christ died for the sins of the entire world. The people that John was addressing had gotten off track and were thinking that maybe Christ only died for believers. John says Christ died for the sins of the world, but just cause he died for your sins doesn’t mean you’re going to Heaven. John goes on to say, ”We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.” So what John is saying is that you cannot be a Christian without keeping his commands.
You can come up with whatever rules for salvation that you want, but the truth is just what John says it is; if you don’t keep his commands, you don’t love God and therefore you have NO hope for salvation and NO POSSIBILITY of eternal life in heaven.
Furthermore, look what the prophet Malachi says. He says that we weary God when we say that people who do evil are pleasing to God. It’s just not so brothers. How could it be?
The truth is simple, all the law is summed up in 2 commands: Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. The Wicked don’t love God with all their heart. Their supreme desire is not the greatest possible good of God and his Kingdom. In fact they are diametrically opposed to God and all things good.
Irregardless of what Carlton says, sinners are diabolically evil, rebellious, and dead set against God. God sent his son to reconcile the entire world to him, and they reject that sacrifice and spit in the face of God. Sinners do everything they can to resist the grace and goodness of God and they ignore his attempts to reconcile them to himself. The worst sin you can commit is refusing to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind. I don’t care what code of morality you dream up, if it doesn’t begin with 100% consecration to God then it’s blatantly wrong, evil and immoral.
Please don’t think that you can reject the goodness, mercy, and patience of The King of Kings without eternally offending him, his government, and his justice. The writer of the Hebrews says, "those who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?" (Hebrews 10: 28 & 29)
Furthermore, look what the prophet Malachi says. He says that we weary God when we say that people who do evil are pleasing to God. It’s just not so brothers. How could it be?
The truth is simple, all the law is summed up in 2 commands: Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. The Wicked don’t love God with all their heart. Their supreme desire is not the greatest possible good of God and his Kingdom. In fact they are diametrically opposed to God and all things good.
Irregardless of what Carlton says, sinners are diabolically evil, rebellious, and dead set against God. God sent his son to reconcile the entire world to him, and they reject that sacrifice and spit in the face of God. Sinners do everything they can to resist the grace and goodness of God and they ignore his attempts to reconcile them to himself. The worst sin you can commit is refusing to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind. I don’t care what code of morality you dream up, if it doesn’t begin with 100% consecration to God then it’s blatantly wrong, evil and immoral.
Please don’t think that you can reject the goodness, mercy, and patience of The King of Kings without eternally offending him, his government, and his justice. The writer of the Hebrews says, "those who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?" (Hebrews 10: 28 & 29)
The only reasonable place for those who refuse to repent and turn to God is somewhere far away from the Holy God, in a place of punishment. That place is called hell.
May God be exalted,
John Wheeler
May God be exalted,
John Wheeler
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